Jaipur :Rajasthan Intelligence team has arrested an accused who was allegedly spying for Pakistan from Bikaner. The accused, who runs a canteen in Bikaner Mahajan Range, fell into a honey trap of Pakistani agencies. The accused was sending confidential information of the Indian Army to Pakistan by keeping in touch with the Pakistani intelligence agency. This information was being sent through social media.
According to ADG Intelligence Sanjay Aggarwal, Rajasthan Intelligence carried out a joint action with Military Intelligence, Bikaner. Vikram Singh, a resident of village Upper Ka Bas of Lakhasar area of Dungargarh tehsil, who was spying for Pakistan Intelligence Agency, has been arrested. The espionage activities carried out by Pakistani intelligence agencies are constantly monitored by Rajasthan Intelligence.
During surveillance, it came to light that Vikram Singh, resident of Dungargarh area of Bikaner, is in constant touch with Pakistani intelligence handlers through social media.