Srinagar:Jammu and Kashmir Police along with security forces arrested three terrorists associated during a search operation in South Kashmir’s Kulgam district. An official said that during the investigation of case under section 13,18 and 39 UAPA of Police Station Qaimoh, Jammu & Kashmir police in Kulgam along with Army 1RR, 1Para SF and CRPF 18 battalion, apprehended three terrorist associates linked with proscribed terrorist outfit "Lashkar-e-Toiba" (LET) and "The Resistance Front"( TRF).
They have been identified as Ubaid Khursheed Mir, son of Khursheed Ahmad Mir, Maqsood Ahmad Bhat, son of Mohd Ramzan Bhat and Umer Bashir, son of Bashir Ahmad Dar, all residents of Thokerpora Qaimoh, Kulgam district of South Kashmir, the official said.