New Delhi: With an aim to encourage its 1.9 lakh personnel to deal with emerging security challenges, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) on Monday unveiled the new Human Resource (HR) policy here in New Delhi. Disclosing this at CISF headquarters, Dr K Samantary, Inspector General (Admn) of the Force said that under this new policy, a pool of domain experts will be created in at least 10 areas.
“Force members with the highest level of knowledge and skills will be identified, nurtured and deployed as domain experts, including cyber security and data science, aviation security, training, battle craft, weapons and tactics, anti-drone solutions, fire management etc,” said Samantary.
According to Samantary, the domain experts will train with the best institutions and be tasked with developing and implementing a world-class security solution.
“Furthermore, international security standards in different sectors like aviation and port security will be identified for ensuring world-class security solutions. A beginning has already been made by setting up an international quality control unit in the aviation sector that will ensure new aviation technology solutions are incorporated into airport security services,” he said.
The new HR policy unveiled after 2017, will impact over 98 per cent of the force members. “Human resource is the most important resource of a security force. This policy supersedes the policy of 2017 and encourages force members to bring new knowledge, technology and skills into force to meet emerging security challenges,” Samantary said.
Under this policy which is meant for the non-gazette personnel of CISF, choice-based posting has also been incorporated. Each personnel will have the opportunity to list 10 preferred posting locations, giving them a voice in decisions that profoundly affect their life and families.
“Personnel retiring within two years will be given a posting out of three choices of location. They will be given priority in the allotment of vacancies during the issue of posting orders. This will help them plan for a marriage of children and post-retirement settling issues,” Samantary said adding “Personnel, who are retiring in the next two years will start getting the benefit.
The policy has also given preference to the 7 per cent odd women police personnel in the force as well as 5,808 couples working in CISF.
“Nowadays, an increasing number of women are joining CISF as a career option. The work-life balance needs special consideration for such women personnel, especially those managing their families single-handedly. After six years of non-choice posting, their remaining service will be choice posting. Married working couples can now work in the same location more easily through more thoughtful posting decisions. We aim to create a more resilient and satisfied force,” said Samantary.
According to the new HR policy, at least 60 per cent of the personnel of a unit posted in a region, will be deputed from that particular region. The HR policy has also highlighted a fixed timeline and schedule for the issue of posting orders.
“For retirees posting orders shall be issued by December 31, for women by January 15, for couples by January 31, and the rest by February 15. This will help in planning for education of children and other requirements well in advance,” said Samantary.
The new policy will be implemented from December 31 this year and the preference will be given to at least 2,500-3,000 personnel, who will retire in the next two years.
Meanwhile, Shrikant Kishore, Deputy Inspector General (Ops) in CISF said that the new policy will boost the morale of the force, which is assigned to guard vital installations, airports, nuclear installations, space establishments, seaports, power plants, Parliament House complex, jails, government buildings in Delhi, including the Taj Mahal and Red Fort heritage monuments, Delhi Metro. The CISF also protects VIPs as well.
Referring to the question of Parliament security, Kishore said that the personnel of the force have been provided with all required training.
It is worth mentioning that in December 2023, two intruders-Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D, entered the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery and one of them jumped onto the tables where the MPs were seated. They released a yellow-coloured smoke canister. Kishore said that there was no security lapse on the party of the force in the December 2023 incident. The incident raised a big question over the security of the Parliament which forced the government to hand over the Parliament security to CISF.