New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Monday said it will hear on March 25, a batch of pleas against the acquittal of Surendra Koli, the accused in the sensational 2006 Nithari serial killings case. The matter came up before a bench comprising justices BR Gavai and Augustine George Masih. The apex court directed its registry to summon the trial court records in other connected matters expeditiously and supply its copies to the lawyers appearing in the matter.
At the beginning of the hearing, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, representing the CBI, contended that the case was regarding the "very serious and gruesome" killings in Nithari, Uttar Pradesh. A counsel, representing Koli, submitted that the only evidence in the case is a confessional statement, which was recorded after 60 days of custody and in which Koli said that he was tortured.
In December 2006, the sensational killings came to light with the discovery of the skeletal remains of eight children from a drain behind a house at Nithari in Noida.