Hyderabad (Telangana): In a groundbreaking development, researchers from the State University of New York and Hefei University of Technology, China have created an advanced AI tool, ‘Xfaxy’, which can identify fake research papers with an accuracy of 94 per cent. This tool promises to revolutionize the way academic integrity is maintained in research.
The team behind Xfaxy analyzed 4,000 authentic research papers from PubMed, an open-access database managed by the US National Institutes of Health, and compared them with 300 fake papers generated by ChatGPT.
Previously, traditional data mining methods had lower accuracy rates, detecting fake documents with only 38 to 52 per cent precision. However, Xfaxy achieved a significant improvement in distinguishing real research from AI-generated content with an accuracy ranging from 80 to 94 per cent.