Indore: A divisional bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court on Thursday banned school buses over 12 years from taking children and instructed the government to make provisions for the registration, operation and management of school buses under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1994. This is the outcome of a petition on dropping off school children in bus and rickshaw in the aftermath of an accident on January 5, 2018, claiming five.
Four students and the driver of the bus died in a horrific road accident on January 5, 2018, in the Kanada Police Station area. The bus, of the Delhi Public School, was on its way to drop the children home when it went out of control on the bypass, rammed into the divider, strayed into the other lane and collided with a truck. Many children sustained injuries in the incident, which prompted the authorities to issue various guidelines on school buses and public transport.
Hearing both parties' versions of the petition by advocate Manish Yadav, Justices Vivek Rusia and Vinod Kumar Dwivedi uttered the latest instructions.
The court ordered that buses above 12 years will not be allowed to take students and auto rickshaws can carry only three children to school. CCTV and GPS should be mandatory on every bus so that parents can track their status on mobile. An in-charge should be appointed for every bus to keep an eye on the permit, licence, fitness, criminal record of the driver and other stuff. They should be held responsible for any untoward incident.
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