Patna:In a tragic incident on Sunday, three labourers from Bihar were killed in a terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir. The deceased have been identified as Mohammad Hanif and Mohammad Kalim from Madhepura, and Faheem Naseer from Chehrakalan Ababakpur in Vaishali district. Their bodies were repatriated to Bihar on Tuesday, leading to deep sorrow and anger among their families and local communities.
According to reports, the attack occurred in the evening as the workers were returning home after completing their daily tasks. Eyewitness accounts reveal that four masked gunmen suddenly opened fire on the group. Siraj, a relative of Hanif, recounted the harrowing experience: “We were just about to have dinner when the attackers arrived. Hanif was struck by two bullets, one in the stomach and one in the chest.”
The atmosphere in the victims' native villages was filled with grief as family members gathered to mourn their losses. Riyaz Hussain, another relative of Hanif, expressed the emotional toll the incident has taken on the family: “We haven’t eaten anything for two days. The shock of losing Hanif is overwhelming.”