Hyderabad:Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls,Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public rally in Telangana's Nagarkurnool on Saturday. Slamming the ruling Congress and opposition BRS in Telangana, PM Modi alleged that the two parties have shattered all dreams of the people pf the state. While addressing the poll rally, he said, "Congress and BRS have shattered all dreams of Telanagana."
During the rally, a day after BRS leader and daughter of former CM K Kavitha's arrest, PM Modi said, "No corrupt person will be spared. Today, I am promising the people of Telangana that no corrupt person will be able to escape. I need Telangana's support in the fight against corruption."
Attacking both the Congress and the BRS for their alleged corruption, PM Modi claimed that the partnership of corruption is very strong in dynastic parties. He said that both the Congress and the BRS are partners of corruption. PM Modi alleged that the Congress did the 2G scam, while the BRS resorted to corruption in irrigation. Both the Congress and BRS support the land mafia.