Hyderabad:Thebusiness that started with a WhatsApp group has grown to a Rs 6,400 crore company. Launched in Bengaluru in 2015, the company's services soon spread to all the major cities of the country. Kabir Biswas is the person behind this success. He is the founder of the famous delivery services company Dunzo.
It is said that an idea changes a life. Yes! An idea changed the life of Kabir Biswas. He is none other than the founder of the famous delivery services company 'Dunzo'. Kabir's mindset to solve people's day-to-day problems in today's busy world is what drove Kabir to set up this company. Kabir Biswas launched his delivery services business in January 2015 in Bengaluru. Initially, Kabir Biswas used to track the activity of the staff involved in the delivery services with a regular WhatsApp group. Through it, information was conveyed to them. The rise of 'Dunzo', which started like that, has grown step by step and has reached the level of a Rs.6,400 crore company.
Fun at risk!
Kabir Biswas was born in 1984. He lost his father when he was 19 years old. However, Kabir acquired the property from his father. With this, he was able to start new businesses and take the risk of experimenting.
Kabir also received encouragement from his mother. Hence, Kabir could fearlessly pursue a series of business experiments with ideas that piqued his interest. Kabir started his professional career after completing his MBA in 2007 and joined Bharti Airtel. Initially, he worked in Grameen new product development department of the company. In just two years, Kabir managed to attain important positions. Later, he worked at Videocon Telecommunications Limited. He joined Y2CF Digital Media Private Limited and ventured into the digital media space. It was there that he founded a company called Hoppr. This Hoppr company was later acquired by Hike Company in 2014.