Hyderabad:Telugu youth Gopichand Thotakura will create a record as India's first tourist to venture into the space. He will fly to space in a few weeks in the New Shepherd spacecraft designed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' company Blue Origin
It may be recalled that Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian to go to space in 1984. After that, Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams, Rajachari and Shirisha Bandla also did the Space journey. But, all of them are American citizens of Indian origin. Although Gopichand is currently staying in America, he has an Indian passport. Therefore, he will be recognised as the second Indian to go to space after Rakesh Sharma. He will travel to space as a tourist. So, he will be identified as India's first space tourist
Six people in total
Blue Origin has already launched space missions with the New Shepherd suborbital spacecraft. In 2021, three tourists, including Bezos, made it to the space. A total of six people, including Gopichand, have been selected for the next NS-25 mission. Venture capitalist Mason Angel, French industrialist Sylvain Chiron, American tech entrepreneur Kenneth L Hess, adventurer Carol Schaller and former US Air Force captain Ed Dwight are among them