Moga: A groom, who arrived with a wedding procession to marry a girl he met on social media was left humiliated and returned empty-handed. Deepak Kumar, a resident of Mariyala village in Jalandhar district, works in Dubai and had befriended a person claiming to be Manpreet Kaur on social media. The connection grew so deep that the two decided to get married, despite never meeting or seeing each other in person.
Marriage Fixed on Social Media
The wedding was planned through social media interactions, and the ceremony was scheduled for December 6 at Rose Garden Palace in Moga. Deepak and his procession arrived at Lohara Chowk, Moga, around noon, eagerly awaiting the bride. However, upon arrival, they discovered no such girl existed. When Deepak tried to contact the girl, she asked him to wait, claiming she was on her way to pick him up, but her phone soon went off.