Bengaluru: Margadarsi Chit Fund launched its 119th branch in Kengeri, Karnataka on Wednesday. Sailaja Kiron, Managing Director of Margadarsi Chit Fund, who inaugurated the Kengeri branch, said that Margadarsi Chits Karnataka Pvt Ltd was started in 2000 and it successfully completed 24 years of service to the subscribers in the state.
She said that the 25th branch of Margadarsi in the state is opened at Kengeri on Wednesday. "Kengeri is located just 40 kms from Karnataka's capital city of Bengaluru and it has almost become part of the city limits now. Next month again, we will open a couple of more branches. Margadarsi is a fast-growing company in Karnataka," she said.
MD Sailaja Kiron said that being the third largest GSDP state in the country with nearly 260 billion dollars, Karnataka has huge potential. Bengaluru is contributing 40 percent to the state's economy. Bengaluru has become a seat of varied industries from automotive to electronics, electrical and information technology, she said.
Tremendous Potential in Karnataka
Listing out Margadarsi's future plans, she said, "Two thirds of the IT companies are in Karnataka, which is also home to a lot of agri and manufacturing companies. We see tremendous potential to offer our services to the people of Karnataka, to the small and medium enterprises, traders and also large scale industries with Rs 100 crore and Rs 200 crore turnovers."
She said that their company also looks forward to extend its services to the employees and those working in the health sector, including doctors. Margadarsi will always try to give best of its services to ensure the timely payment to the needy people. We select the subscribers who are disciplined and whose payments are regular so that our payments to them will also be very regular, she added.
MD Sailaja Kiron further said that in spite of many hurdles, Margadarsi has remained intact in terms of its excellence services to our customers. "We are thankful to the Karnataka people, who are hospitable, accommodating, very encouraging and supportive. Margadarsi started in 1962 is a hundred percent regulated company believing in organised systems and transactions."
'Staying by the word' is the motto of Margadarsi in terms of delivery of services, selection of subscribers and making of payments, she said.
Commitment to Financial Growth
MD Shailaja Kiron emphasized the company's mission of empowering the financial capabilities of individuals. “With the launch of our 25th branch in Karnataka, Margadarsi aims to bring more economic opportunities to the people here. We are committed to maintaining transparency, discipline, and trust while helping our customers meet their financial goals, whether it's education, buying home, or entrepreneurship,” she said.