New Delhi:The Manipur Police personnel allegedly drove the two women from the Kuki-Zomi community, who had sought refuge in their official gypsy, to a mob of around 1,000 Meiti rioters in Kangpokpi district, the CBI charge sheet has said.
The two women were subsequently stripped naked and paraded before being sexually assaulted during the ethnic violence in the state, the charge sheet added.
The women, one of whom was the wife of a Kargil war veteran, desperately asked the police personnel to drive them to a safe location but were allegedly told by them that "there was no key" (of the vehicle) and did not provide any help, the officials giving details of the charge sheet said.
A video showing two women being paraded naked surrounded by a mob of men went viral last year in July, nearly two months after the ethnic violence broke on May 4.
The CBI filed its charge sheet against six accused and a report against one Child in Conflict with the Law (CCL) before the Special Judge, CBI Court at Guwahati on October 16 last year. It has alleged that the two women were running away from a mob of around 900-1,000 persons carrying sophisticated weapons like AK rifles, SLR, INSAS and .303 rifles.
The mob had forcefully entered their village in Kangpokpi district, about 68 km south of Saikul police station, it said. The women, along with other victims, ran into the forest to escape from the mob but were spotted by the rioters who had separated the victims.
Some members of the mob told the women to reach the police vehicle parked on the roadside to seek help, officials in the know of the development said.