Mumbai:Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a total of nine rallies in Maharashtra in a week as part of the BJP's poll campaign for the state assembly polls, and his first public meeting will be held on Friday in Dhule, the party said. In a statement issued on Thursday, the state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said the PM will also hold a roadshow in Pune on November 12.
Modi's first rally will be held in Dhule in north Maharashtra at 12 noon on Friday. He will then address a public meeting in Nashik at 2 pm, it said. On November 9, he will campaign in Akola at 12 noon and in Nanded at 2 pm, it added. On November 12, Modi will address rallies in Chimur (Chandrapur district) and Solapur, and participate in a roadshow in Pune in the evening.