Mumbai: The Grand Alliance has secured a landslide victory in the Maharashtra Assembly elections, setting the stage for the government formation. Meetings among the three coalition partners are underway to finalise important decisions. Similarly, the BJP is holding a strategic session at Sagar Bungalow in Mumbai, attended by Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrashekhar Bawankule. Later in the evening, a meeting of Shinde's Shiv Sena MLAs will take place, during which the post of Legislature Group Leader will be decided.
Meanwhile, the NCP faction led by Ajit Pawar held a meeting at Devagiri Bungalow, where Ajit Pawar was unanimously elected as the leader of the legislative group. Anil Patil, a former deputy in the previous government, was reappointed to the same role. These two major decisions mark a turning point for the NCP under Ajit Pawar's leadership.
Discussions during the NCP meeting reportedly touched on ministerial allocations and portfolio distribution with the NCP winning 41 seats in the elections.
The Grand Alliance has reportedly agreed on a leadership structure featuring one Chief Minister and two Deputy Chief Ministers with a swearing-in ceremony likely scheduled for Monday.