Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The election flying squad and police received confidential information and conducted checks in trains the Tambaram railway station spotted 3 suspicious persons in the AC coaches of the Nellai Express train. In the investigation conducted by the authorities, they have given contradictory answers.
Suspicious of this, the officers searched the 6 bags they had brought, and it was found that they contained around Rs 4 crores worth of cash. Subsequently, the officials confiscated the four crore rupees. The persons who tried to smuggle the money were identified as Sateesh, Naveen and Perumal. Also, Sateesh said that the Tirunelveli BJP candidate Nainar Nagendran is his boss and he is the manager of Nainar Nagendran's Blue Diamond Hotel in Purasaivakam. Also, it has been revealed that Perumal is a relative of Nainar. In this case, the officials arrested the three and took them to the Tambaram police station.
Following this, the TN Chief Electoral Officer's office said that the IT department will conduct a detailed investigation into the matter. The officials handed over the seized money to the treasury in the presence of Tambaram Tahsildar Natarajan. In this case, while the three arrested said that four crore rupees money was brought from that particular hotel, the flying squad launched probe at the hotel also. They were allegedly carrying the money from Tirunelveli to Egmore. Nainar Nagendran is also the sitting BJP MLA from Tirunelveli.
Later, the Election Flying Squad also raided the house of Nainar Nagendran's cousin Murugan in Virugambakkam. Also, it has been revealed that Naveen, Sateesh and Perumal, who were arrested during the investigation, had collected the money together from different places.
While the DMK demanded searches at all places belonging to the BJP candidate, the saffron party leaders described it as a smear campaign against their leader.