Patna (Bihar) : In Bihar, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has changed sides and joined hands with BJP. On the other hand, his decision has created panic in the the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). Meanwhile, RJD President Lalu Yadav's daughter Rohini Acharya, who lives in Singapore, took to social media and launched an indirect attack on Nitish Kumar, saying that 'garbage goes into dustbin'.
In a post on her 'X' handle, Rohini announced that she will go to the public to boost the morale of Bihar people along with themselves. Her brother Tej Pratap Yadav has shared her post that fiercely targetted the JDU chief. In a vitriolic attack on Nitish, Rohini Acharya said: "Garbage goes back to the dustbin again - Happy stinking garbage to the group." At the same time, in one of her posts, she has also taken a dig at the core ideology of Nitish Kumar.
In her second post, Rohini Acharya wrote, 'We will go to the public to boost the morale of Bihar along with ourselves.' Rohini has also reposted a seven-year-old post of RJD President Lalu Yadav. This post contained the bitter most words, 'Nitish is a snake, just like a snake sheds its filth, similarly Nitish also sheds its filth and every 2 years, like a snake, he wears a new skin. Does anyone doubt?'.