New Delhi: Janata Dal (United) leader K C Tyagi on Wednesday suggested castration as a punishment for rapists amid a fierce debate in the country over sexual assaults against women following the rape and murder of a doctor in Kolkata. He also called for swift justice within a month in rape cases.
In an interaction with PTI editors, he said, "Ye log purush hi na bachein aisi saja honi chahiye (Their manhood should be excised). The potency of rapists should be finished off."
Asked about the ghastly crime in West Bengal and the subsequent nationwide outcry, he said as a socialist he believes that there cannot be a bigger atrocity than someone acting against the wishes of women. Such a radical punishment for convicted rapists will ensure that he suffers for his crime till his last breath and nobody dares to commit such a crime, Tyagi said.
Asked if he considers his demand controversial, the JD(U) leader said it is "pro-women". Tyagi, who recently stepped down as his party's spokesperson but remains its political advisor, advocated time-barred hearings in rape cases. Justice should not take many years but should be served in a month, he said, suggesting that only women police personnel, doctors and judges should be involved in investigation and trial.