Thiruvananthapuram: Medicine from the US for a lioness suffering from skin disease in Kerala's Thiruvananthapuram Zoo. The medicine was imported from the United States for a six-year-old lioness Gracie. Thiruvananthapuram Zoo veterinarian Nikesh Kiran said Gracie, who has been suffering from chronic atopic dermatitis for years, was not responding to medication.
Four doses of the antibiotic 'Cefovacin', an American-made drug that costs Rs 10,000 per dose, were imported. Dr. Nikesh Kiran informed that the medicine was delivered through a company called Soetis. Gracie is the cub of Ayush and Aishwarya, the former lions of the zoo. Gracie, who was born with a lack of power in her hind legs, was receiving special care.