Kochi:The Kerala High Court on Wednesday questioned the drama surrounding businessman Boby Chemmanur's bail, telling his lawyers that there was no need for such theatrics after the grant of bail. The court questioned Chemmanur's decision to remain in jail for other inmates, stating that such matters should be handled through proper channels and courts, and not by him.
The court also reminded Chemmanur that he should not believe there is no authority above him and summoned his lawyers to clarify his actions. Justice P V Kunhikrishnan said the court was capable of cancelling Chemmanur's bail if necessary and the court has the authority to keep him in jail and proceed with the trial.
The High Court also said Chemmanur had insulted a senior advocate and asked whether he thinks himself above the law, saying he was just seeking media attention. The court has instructed Chemmanur to explain his conduct by noon and failing to do so would attract revocation of bail, it said.
"Do you (Chemmanur) think you are above the law? I can ask the police to arrest you and order that the probe be completed in two weeks," the judge said.