Hassan (Karnataka):The investigation into the sexual harassment case against former minister HD Revanna and Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna has been speeded up. In this regard, the special investigation team (SIT) took the victim woman to Prajwal father HD Revanna's residence here in Hassan on Saturday and conducted a site inspection.
The SIT team conducted the site inspection in the kitchen, bedroom and store room at Revanna's house. Based on information provided by the victim woman, the officers carried out the site inspection.
A woman who worked at Revanna's house in the past filed a complaint recently against MP Prajwal Revanna and Holenaraseepur MLA HD Revanna on allegations of sexual assault. According to that, a case was registered against both the leaders in the Holenaraseepur city Police Station. In the FIR, HD Revanna and Prajwal Revanna have been named as A1 and A2 respectively. The SIT team is currently investigating the case.