Kanpur:Miffed with the nomination for BJP district president election, party workers on Sunday reached the BJP office in Naveen Market of Kanpu and garlanded election in-charge Sangam Lal Gupta along with presenting him with a bouquet with a shoe in the middle of it.
A video of the incident went viral in which it is seen some party workers were arguing with Sharma who was trying to assuage them. Amid this, he was garlanded and offered a bouquet. Sharma didn't notice the shoe in the middle of it and accepted it. As soon as he discovered the shoe, he left it on the table. The workers started raising slogans in the party office.
The saffron party announced some names of the mandal presidents on Friday and some workers were annoyed after the list was released. Amid the nomination process, the workers protested it by handing over the bouquet with the shoe to Sharma.