Mandi (Himachal Pradesh): Criticising actor and BJP's Mandi candidate Kangana Ranaut for making "personal" attacks, Congress leader Rakesh Kumar Singh on Monday said a normal person cannot make such "baseless" statements. "Kangana is suffering from mental ailment and making baseless statements," Singh, who is the Congress observer for Mandi and Jogindernagar assembly segments, told reporters here.
He went on to say that BJP national president J P Nadda should "get her checked in the psychiatry department". Singh said that Kangana Ranaut is making controversial statements and has little knowledge of history and politics and "a normal person cannot make such statements". "BJP leaders should impart some knowledge of history to Kangana," he said.
Referring to an old video of Kangana in which she had reportedly said that the first Prime Minister of India was Subash Chander Bose, he said that "even a Class II student knows that Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of the country".