New Delhi:Janata Dal (United) spokesperson K C Tyagi, whose stand on various issues often ran contradictory to that of his party's ally BJP, has resigned. The JD(U) said in a statement on Sunday that its president and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has appointed Rajiv Ranjan Prasad as its national spokesperson. It attributed Tyagi's resignation to "personal reasons".
In his letter to Kumar, the former MP and socialist leader said he has been unable to do justice as a spokesperson due to his involvement in other works. He said he had made the request earlier as well. Tyagi, party leaders said, will continue in his another role as "political advisor". Prasad, Tyagi's replacement, noted that the senior leader resigned due to personal reasons and made no comments that reflected any hurt, as he rejected suggestions of his difference with the party.
It is believed that frequent comments of Tyagi, who is based in Delhi and enjoys an unlikely high profile in the national media for a regional party leader due to his experience and articulation, on central government's policies were seen by many within his party as unhelpful to the BJP-JD(U) ties.
Be it on the Uniform Civil Code, the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, lateral entry to high-level Central government jobs or even the Palestine issue among a number of other matters, his articulation of the JD(U)'s stand different from the BJP created ripples and left the saffron party less than amused.