Kota (Rajasthan) :A student preparing for Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) was found dead, police said on Friday. "The deceased was residing in Jawahar Nagar police station. His health deteriorated after which his friends got him admitted to a private hospital, where the doctor declared him dead on Thursday," a senior police official added.
According to the police official, his body was shifted to the mortuary of the MBS Hospital at 4:30 am on Friday. Deputy Superintendent of Police Bhawani Singh Inda said the deceased was identified as Parineet Roy (18), son of Rajeev Ranjan, who hailed from Jamshedpur in Jharkhand.
"For the last two years, the student was preparing for JEE by staying in a Paying Guest facility in Old Rajiv Gandhi Nagar. This time he also had his 12th board exams. Recently he had also appeared for JEE Mains. His health suddenly deteriorated around 1 am and he was having trouble breathing," the police official added.