Jabalpur: A ruckus erupted in Sihora of Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh after a youth of lower caste proposed to marry an upper caste Hindu girl from Indore. The duo works in a private organisation in Indore. In a video, the girl said she was feeling unsafe and sought security from the administration. "I am in trouble because of the Hindu leaders and my life is in danger. I was harassed," she narrated in the video.
The matter landed in Madhya Pradesh High Court which is set to hear it on Tuesday. The Hindu outfits have closed down Sihora in protest.
Telangana MLA and Hindu leader T Raja appealed to Hindu outfits to come forward and intervene in the matter. In response, the outfits called a complete shutdown of Sihora. A large number of localities thronged the streets and the administration has made the necessary security arrangements.