Bhuj (Gujarat): After a successful launch in Mumbai, India's largest theatre festival, Bharat Rang Mahotsav commenced in the Kachchh district of Gujarat on Sunday. ", "According to an official release, the festival's Bhuj segment commenced with the staging of 'Uttararamacharitam', written by Shri Mahakavi Bhavabhuti and directed by Shri Dr. Chavan Pramod R. from the Department of Dramatics, Faculty of Performing Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.
The play, performed in Gujarati, featured a team of 25 NSD students. Today, 'Golden Jubilee', written and directed by Shri Saurabh Nayyar, will be presented by 21 students of the Jubilee Theatre Company, Mumbai, at the Town Hall in Nagar Palika, Bhuj. At the Delhi Campus on February 4th, 2024, Rangprayog, MPSD, performed Aadi Vikramaditya, a compilation of narratives drawn from Sinhasana Battisi and Betaal Pachchisi, renowned for their cultural significance.
This production typically features a selection of four out of the thirty-two dolls, each narrating a distinct tale. The Bharat Rang Mahotsav is a 21-day cultural event featuring over 150 plays, workshops, and discussions. The festival will be held in 15 cities across India, showcasing the country's vibrant performing arts and culture.