New Delhi:Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Friday highlighted the transformative strides made in India’s infrastructure sector. Speaking at an event here, the Minister of the North Eastern Region asserted that the work done in the last decade has surpassed the achievements of the previous 60 years, emphasizing a paradigm shift in quality, speed, and coverage.
"There has been a 180-degree change in infrastructure development since 2014. The speed and scale of progress in the last 10 years are unmatched," Scindia stated. Illustrating the growth, he pointed out that Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, which lacked airports for 65 years, now boast five airports between them. He further noted that the total number of airports in the country has more than doubled from 74 to 157 under the Narendra Modi government, with aircraft fleets increasing from 400 to approximately 750.
On March 10, Prime Minister Modi dedicated 15 airports to the nation in a single day, underscoring the government’s commitment to expanding connectivity. “Infrastructure plays a crucial role in transforming a nation from developing to developed status. Every rupee spent on infrastructure contributes 2.5 to 3 times to GDP," Scindia remarked.
Unprecedented Budgetary Allocations
Scindia highlighted the dramatic increase in budgetary allocations for key sectors such as roads, railways, and aviation. Capital expenditure in the Union Budget has surged to ₹11.5 lakh crore in 2024-25, a figure equivalent to the GDP of several small nations.