New Delhi: Indian Railway is redressing passengers' grievances lodged on its online platform 'Rail Madad' on the fast track, a senior railway official said on Friday. It has disposed of complaints in the stipulated time in an average of 25 minutes, the senior official said.
Disclosing the information about the timing of the resolving complaints, Captain Shashi Kiran, Chief Public Relations Officer, North Western Railway, told ETV Bharat, "The Central Railway stands in first position to resolve the complaint lodged on Rail Madad in an average of 25 minutes, North Eastern Railway at second position by disposing of grievances in 29 minutes and North Western Railway is at third place to solve the issue in 30 minutes."
From April 1 to August 21 this year, the Central Railway received and resolved 1,20,179 grievances, while the North Eastern Railway addressed 70,133 complaints, and the North Western Railway handled 48,774 issues, clearing them all. These efforts were supported by the integration of a single Helpline number, 139, which caters to security, assistance, information, complaints, enquiries, and other concerns.
Talking about the app, Captain Shashi Kiran, said, "Rail Madad App is to enable passengers to register a complaint or give suggestions through its online platform or SMS and facility to track the status of his/ her complaints."