Ranchi: In a raid at the house of an accused in the illegal withdrawal of Rs 109 crore from several government undertakings, the Jharkhand ATS team arrested two and seized Rs 60 crore on Saturday. Confirming the same, ATS SP Rishabh Jha said a huge amount of cash has been confiscated.
The raid, conducted at the house of Ram Lakhan Yadav in the Doranda area of Ranchi, is part of an ongoing investigation into the sudden disappearance of Rs 109 crore from the accounts of Tourism Development Corporation Limited (JTDC), Jharkhand Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited and Jharkhand Energy Production Corporation Limited. The arrested persons are being grilled to unearth more information on the money trail.
So far, six persons including JTDC's then accountant Girija Singh, Canara Bank Hatia's then branch manager Amarjeet Kumar, conspirator Rudra alias Sameer, Ranchi resident Lokeshwar Shah, Ranchi's Birsa Chowk branch manager Lolas Lakra and Allahabad Bank's Amar Kumar have been arrested in the case and 350 bank accounts containing Rs 47.20 crore have been frozen. The recovery includes Rs 1.93 crore in cash and jewellery worth Rs 17.
Investigations so far have revealed that the kingpin of the illegal withdrawal is a resident of Kolkata who has carried out the scam with the help of henchmen, bank employees and some government staff. About 1,200 accounts were used for the illegal withdrawal. Gupta said so far over Rs 50 crore has been seized and six people including a manager of the central bank have been arrested.