Chennai: Four private schools in the city received e mails from an anonymous person claiming that bombs would be detonated on their school premises in Chennai on Thursday. An email was sent to the renowned private schools operating at Annanagar, JJ Nagar, Tirutamisai and Thirumangalam areas to the mail accounts of the school administration office stating, "I planted a bomb in your schools and they would explode anytime."
The school management immediately informed the Anna Nagar, Tirumangalam police department about the mail. Based on the information, the police rushed to the schools, evacuated the students, and informed their parents to take them home. The incident, however, coerced parents to rush to schools to pick up their children.
The police said that the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squads (BDDS) were sent to the schools to check for sabotage. The initial investigation revealed that the bomb threat was a hoax. The police said that the private school campuses have been thoroughly searched to locate the bombs. An investigation is underway to identify the person, who sent the threat email.
Earlier this month, Kendriya Vidyalaya authorities said they had received a similar threat email prompting them to raise the alarm over the safety of school students. An FIR was registered at the Yeshwantpur Police Station in this regard. The school management immediately informed the police, who pressed a bomb disposal squad into action, immediately. Searches were conducted and a thorough inspection revealed that it was a fake bomb threat.
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