New Delhi:In the ongoing high-stakes Lok Sabha elections with only the last phase of voting left on June 1, the Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday said that Jammu and Kashmir witnessed its highest poll participation in the last 35 years with the Union Territory (five Lok Sabha seats) recording 58.46 per cent of voting.
The Anantnag-Rajouri seat of the Valley, which now also includes Poonch and Rajouri after the delimitation formula voted in the sixth phase of polling on May 25 marking the end of elections in all five seats of J&K.
"This achievement sits on a credible weave of a 25 per cent increase in several contesting candidates since 2019, C-vigil complaints showing enhanced citizen involvement and Suvidha Portal showing 2,455 requests for rallies, reflecting the steady retaking of the election and campaign space away from hesitation and to fuller participation," said CEC Rajiv Kumar.
He further said, "Compared this outcome of the layered depth of electoral mobilisation and participation, as reminiscent of the fame and deft of the legendary Kashmiri artisanal weave. This active participation is a huge positive for Assembly elections to be held soon so that the democratic process continues to thrive in the Union Territory."