Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday ordered the Customs department to release the artworks by renowned artists F N Souza and Akbar Padamsee seized last year on the ground of being "obscene material".
A division bench of Justices M S Sonak and Jitendra Jain quashed a July 2024 order passed by the Assistant Commissioner of Mumbai Customs confiscating the artwork and observed that the Customs officials, having no understanding of or expertise in the field of art, failed to differentiate between a work of art and obscenity.
The bench allowed a petition filed by a firm, B K Polimex India Pvt Ltd, owned by city-based businessman and art connoisseur Mustafa Karachiwala against the customs order.
The court said the seized artwork shall be released immediately and not later than two weeks to the petitioner.
The petitioner claimed the impugned order confiscating the artworks, which had been acquired by him, was arbitrary and illegal and deserves to be quashed.
The bench had earlier this week restrained the department from destroying the artworks confiscated pursuant to the impugned order dated July 1, 2024, until further orders. The plea said the seized goods order contained artworks of renowned artists F N Souza and Akbar Padamsee, who have been honoured with prestigious awards by the Indian government.
The petition, filed through advocates Shreyas Shrivastava and Shraddha Swarup, questioned how the Customs Department could consider their artwork obscene.
"The subject work of art is a national treasure of modern art which needs to be given its due recognition. However, the Customs officials have failed to understand the significance of the art and failed to differentiate between art and obscenity," the plea said.
It said the order for seizing the artwork was violative of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of India.