Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has dismissed the petition filed by Jayalalithaa's relatives seeking the custody of the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's gold jewellery which is in the custody of a special court in Bengaluru.
According to the order, the Karnataka government, which investigated the case, could get Rs 5 crore as investigation costs from the Tamil Nadu government. In addition, there is no hindrance in the process of returning gold ornaments, gifts belonging to Jayalalithaa and the amount of fine imposed on her close aid Sasikala, another accused in the case, to the Tamil Nadu government.
A bench headed by Justice V Sreeshananda heard the petition filed by J Deepa and Deepak. The bench also observed that the Supreme Court has upheld the trial court's order on corruption charges. The conviction against the accused (Jayalalitha) was quashed as she died before the completion of the trial. However, it does not mean that there is no charge against her.