New Delhi :The Supreme Court on Friday said the monsoon season has arrived and the authorities concerned should ensure that no untoward incident like Ghatkopar hoarding crashshould occur, while hearing a matter pertaining to an application filed by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) in relation with the applicability of certain provisions of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act (MMCA) to hoardings on railways land.
A bench comprising justices Sanjay Kumar and P. B. Varale said that the concerned authorities should ensure that no untoward incident takes place on any land, owned either by railways or municipal corporation, as monsoon season has arrived. A counsel said the Ghatkopar issue was not before the court and the illegal hoarding that collapsed in Ghatkopar was not on railway land.
A counsel, representing MCGM, contended that his client is discharging functions not just under MMCA but also under the Disaster Management Act, which has an overriding effect on other laws, and pointed out that several illegal hoardings have been identified on railways land. After hearing submissions, the bench has listed the matter after a week.