Shadnagar (Telangana):In a tragic event at Shadnagar, Rangareddy district, five workers lost their lives when a compressor exploded at South Glass Private Limited. The incident caused widespread panic in the industrial area, especially given the nature of the glass industry, resulting in severe injuries and mutilation of the victims' bodies.
The deceased have been identified as Nikith(22), Ram Sethu (24) from Uttar Pradesh, Chittaranjan (25), Ramprakash (45) from Bihar and Radhi Kant (25) from Odisha. On receiving the information, the local police and firefighters rushed to the spot and doused the fire. Soon after Shamshabad DCP Rajesh reached the spot and reviewed the situation.
Authorities preliminarily identified the cause as a compressor explosion though investigations are going on to ascertain the exact circumstances leading to the incident. Efforts are underway to shift the seriously injured to Osmania and Gandhi Hospitals for advanced medical care. Officials are also scrutinising the adherence to safety protocols following previous incidents in the area to determine if adequate precautions were in place.