Sagar (Madhya Pradesh):A sensational case has come to light at Jaitpur Kopra village of Deori development block in Madhya Pradesh. The bodies of three women and a girl have been found in a well here. On Saturday morning, the police received information that the bodies of three women and a girl had been found in a well at Jaitpur Kopra village.
Two of the women were found hanging in the well whereas the bodies of a woman and a girl were found lying inside the well. As soon as the information about the incident was received, the police force, including the SDOP, reached the spot and took stock of the incident.
The SDRF team was called to the spot to retrieve the bodies from the well. At present, only Sagar SP and other police personnel reached the spot and an investigation is going on to find out how the women died. The police say that the cause of death can be ascertained only after the post-mortem report.
According to the information received from Deori SDOP Shashikant Sarayam, this morning the police station was informed that the bodies of four women were lying in a well in Jaitpur Kopra village. When the police team went to the spot, they saw two women hanging from the noose in the well and a woman and a girl lying dead in the well. The women hanging from the noose are sisters-in-law and they have been identified as Bharti Lodhi and Aarti Lodhi.