New Delhi: Adding to the flood of joinees in the BJP going into the Lok Sabha elections, former Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal (Retd.) Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, and YSRCP leader Varaprasad Rao Velagapalli were formally ushered into the ruling party at the Centre in the presence of the party's national general secretary Vinod Tawde and Union Minister Anurag Thakur.
Speaking at the induction event, the former Air chief said the last 10 years have seen 'landmark decisions' taken by the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) at the Centre.
"I wish to thank PM Modi, BJP president JP Nadda, and every member for this opportunity to serve the party and contribute to nation-building. I consider myself to be very fortunate to have been able to serve and lead the Air Force for 40 years. It was a big honour for me. The last 10 years have been very important because of some landmark decisions of this government. There have been policy decisions aimed at strengthening our armed forces, making them Aatma Nirbhar (self-reliant). It has given new confidence to our forces. The steps being taken today from a security point of view will form the bedrock of the India that we all wish to see," Bhadauria said.