Mumbai (Maharashtra):BJP President JP Nadda was on a two-day Mumbai visit. In connection with the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, JP Nadda reviewed all six Lok Sabha constituencies in Mumbai in a meeting held at the Mumbai BJP office. While addressing booth chiefs and activists meeting in suburban Andheri, he asked party workers to reach out to the masses and inform them about the work done by the Narendra Modi government in the last 10 years.
Even after Prime Minister Narendra Modi showed firm confidence that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will cross 400 and BJP 370 in the Lok Sabha polls, the BJP does not want to take any risk. And especially after the dramatic change of power in Maharashtra when Shiv Sena led by Eknath Shinde, BJP and NCP led by Ajit Pawar, who will the people vote for?
It is understood that BJP chief Nadda, who met the Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde here, a proposal has been given by JP Nadda to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. Nadda met Eknath Shinde for around one hour and discussed a wide range of issues including the current political scenario in Maharashtra, and seat-sharing for Lok Sabha polls. To ensure that the 'Mahayuti' (BJP-Shiv Sena-NCP) candidates do not suffer, Nadda has given a proposal to Eknath Shinde.
According to highly placed sources, Nadda has proposed to Shinde that in the constituencies where confusion prevails, the Mahayuti candidate will fight the election on BJP's Lotus symbol. It will give a better chance for the candidate to emerge victorious. While a final decision has not been taken by the Chief Minister over the proposal, the proposal will help the Mahayuti. A more detailed discussion of this proposal is expected to take place.
In Maharashtra, there have been drastic political developments, after Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar joined hands with the BJP. There are several leaders from other parties, which are joining the BJP. In such a situation, there is confusion in Mahayuti.
For the record, Maharashtra has 48 Lok Sabha seats and no final decision on seat-sharing has taken place in Mahayuti.
While the BJP is gearing up for the Lok Sabha polls, the road to the Parliament certainly passes through Uttar Pradesh, which has 80 Lok Sabha seats and then Maharashtra.