New Delhi:In a veiled attack at the Congress, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said while the BJP considers the entire country as its family, there are "some people" who have put it at the feet of the leaders of "one family" for its benefit.
He exhorted people to understand the difference between the BJP and the Congress.
The Defence Minister was addressing an event organised by RSS affiliate Sewa Bharti here to felicitate people for their service to society.
"You must have noted that when Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses people, he repeatedly says 'mere parivaarjano' (my family members)," the minister said.
"We consider the entire country our family, whereas there are some people who, for the benefit of one family, have put the entire country at the feet of their leaders," he said in a veiled reference to the Congress and Nehru-Gandhi family.
"There is a need to understand this difference," he added.
Singh said the Union government under the leadership of Modi is working for the welfare of people and an all-round progress of the country with a "sense of service".
"Our guiding light Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay gave us the message of Antyodaya and philosophy of Integral Humanism … We believe that till the time the progress doesn't reach the last person in the society, our work is incomplete," he added.