New Delhi:The Election Commission will announce the notification for Lok Sabha polls in a few days. With that, the leaders' campaigns will gain momentum. In this context, industry sources estimate that the demand for private jets and helicopters will increase by 40 per cent compared to earlier. Helicopters are likely to have higher demand compared to fixed-wing aircraft, experts said.
It is explained that the demand for helicopters is high due to the possibility of reaching remote areas easily. However, Club One Air CEO Ranjan Mehra revealed that at present there are not enough planes and helicopters as per the demand. He said that because of the high demand, there is an opportunity for some people to take these on lease.
Chartered aircraft and helicopter services are charged on an hourly basis. Industry sources said the airfare would be between Rs 4.5 and RS 5.25 lakhs per hour. It has been revealed that it is possible to charge up to Rs.1.5 lakhs per hour per helicopter. By December 2023, there are 112 non-scheduled operators in the country.