New Delhi:The ED has restituted assets worth Rs 4,025 crore of the erstwhile Bhushan Steel and Power Limited to JSW Steel following approval from the Supreme Court, the federal probe agency said on Saturday. JSW Steel was the successful resolution applicant to the assets of the insolvent company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP).
These assets were earlier attached by the federal probe agency under provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in an investigation against Bhushan Steel and Power and its promoters on charges of alleged bank loan fraud and "diversion" of those funds for personal investments. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) said the restitution of assets worth Rs 4,025 crore was made under Section 8(8) of the PMLA (restitution pending trial), read with Rule 3A of PMLA Restoration of Property Rules.