Patna: After being questioned for 10 hours by the Enforcement Directorate in the land-for-jobs scam on Monday, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) national president and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav came out of the agency office at 9 pm. The RJD supremo, accompanied by his daughter Misa Bharti, reached the ED office at 11 am. Misa Bharti had reached the ED office with food and medicines from home for her father.
Due to a huge crowd of RJD supporters outside the ED office, a battalion of CRPF was deployed and security was increased at the spot. "Whenever any agency calls our family members for questioning, we go there, cooperate with them and answer all their queries," Misa Bharti said.
Meanwhile, party leader Ranvijay Sahu accused the Central government of misusing central agencies. He also said that the leaders, who fight for equal justice, are being harassed. Ranvijay Sahu said, "The leaders of the entire country, who fight for equal justice are being harassed. Not only Bihar, but also the entire country is angry. People will teach a befitting lesson to the BJP in the 2024 elections."