New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a Prosecution Complaint before the Special Court (PMLA) in Nagaland's Dimapur against 299 accused persons and entities including 76 Chinese-controlled entities, in which 10 Directors are allegedly of Chinese origin and 2 other entities controlled by other foreign nationals.
The Special Court, Dimapur, has taken cognisance of the offence of alleged money laundering in the Prosecution Complaint after finding that a prima-facie case has been made out under PMLA, 2002 against 299 accused persons, ED claimed in a communique on Wednesday.
ED initiated the probe on the basis of an FIR registered by Cyber Crime Police Station, Kohima in Nagaland under various sections of IPC, 1860 and Information Technology Act, in relation with duping of gullible investors, who were reportedly promised astronomical returns on investing money (claimed to be used for the purpose of mining of Bitcoins and other Crypto Currencies) for which an app-based-token by the name of 'HPZ Token' was used, ED claimed.