New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate on Friday said it seized Rs 41 lakh in cash, "incriminating" documents and digital devices during searches conducted as part of a money laundering case linked to alleged corruption in the augmentation of some Sewage Treatment Plants by the Delhi Jal Board (DJB).
The raids were launched on July 3 and covered multiple places in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Hyderabad, the probe agency said in a statement.
The money laundering investigation stems from an FIR of the Delhi government anti-corruption branch (ACB) against a company named Euroteck Environmental Pvt Ltd. and others alleging a scam in the DJB in the name of augmentation and upgradation of 10 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) at Pappankala, Nilothi [Package 1], Najafgarh, Keshopur [Package 2], Coronation Pillar, Narela, Rohini [Package 3] and Kondli [Package 4].
These four tenders, valued at Rs 1,943 crore, were awarded to various joint venture (JV) entities in October 2022. According to the ED, the FIR registered by the ACB alleges that only three JV companies participated in the four tenders.
"While two JVs got one tender each, one JV got two tenders. The three JVs participated in the four STP tenders mutually to ensure that each one got the tender," as per the ED. The FIR alleges that the tendering conditions were made "restrictive" including the adoption of IFAS technology to ensure that a select few entities could participate in the four bids, it said.