New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a fresh chargesheet against Congress MP Karti Chidambaram and some others in a money laundering case linked to alleged issuance of visas to some Chinese nationals in 2011, official sources said. The prosecution complaint was filed here on January 25 by the central agency before a special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court which is yet to take cognisance of it, the sources said.
Apart from Karti Chidambaram, the son of senior Congress leader and former Union minister P Chidambaram, the ED has named his close associate S Bhaskararaman and some others in the chargesheet. The court has listed the matter for hearing on March 16, the sources said. Karti Chidambaram, 52, is a Lok Sabha MP from Sivaganga seat in Tamil Nadu and the agency has recorded his statement in the case a number of times.
The MP earlier has said the ED probe in this case was a "fishing and roving" enquiry and that he has submitted all documents to the agency. He had called the case "most bogus", asserting he was "certain that he never facilitated even a single Chinese national in their visa process, let alone 250." He had said this case was an attempt to target his father P Chidambaram through him.