New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has provisionally attached Rs 32.34 crore lying as balance in 580 bank accounts under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 in a case related to alleged job scam, the federal probe agency said on Thursday.
ED initiated probe into the matter on the basis of FIR registered by the Police Station Cyber Crime in Hyderabad under various sections of Information Technology Act and IPC against unknown persons. During investigation, it was revealed that more than 50 related FIRs were registered at various police stations spread across the country in relation to alleged part-time job scam, ED claimed in its communique.
ED investigation revealed that cyber scamsters would approach gullible persons on social media site apps and lure them by offering part-time jobs by performing simple tasks of giving 5-star ratings to tourist websites, hotels, resorts and tourist destinations with daily income ranging between Rs 1000-1500.
The accused used to collect basic details and ask the victims to join certain social media groups using links provided by them, where the associates of scamsters would speak highly of the jobs and post thanks messages showing high income for gaining trust of the victims, ED said.
According to the federal probe agency, the victims would then be asked to register on bogus websites or android apps using their basic details including bank account numbers. For further luring them, they would even offer e-money and tokens worth Rs 10 thousand on the e-wallets on the bogus websites and apps. The victims were asked to deposit money to various different bank accounts to top-up their online wallet and start working. The wallet balance would get exhausted with every task set.