New Delhi: The Election Commission on Tuesday ordered the transfer of three district collectors, five superintendents of police and an inspector general of police, with immediate effect, in Andhra Pradesh where elections to the assembly and Lok Sabha will be held simultaneously on May 13. Tirupati Collector G Lakshmisha, Anantapuramu Collector M Gowthami and Krishna Collector P Raja Babu have been ordered to be transferred by the poll body.
The EC also ordered the transfer of police officials, namely Guntur Range IG G Pala Raju, Prakasam SP P Parameswar Reddy, Palnadu SP Y Ravi Sankara Reddy, Chittoor SP P Joshua, Ananthapuramu SP KKN Anburajan and Nellore SP K Tirumaleswar Reddy. The commission has also directed that aforesaid officers hand over charge to the officer immediately below in rank and that these officers should not be assigned any election-related works till completion of simultaneous elections to the legislative assembly and house of the people in Andhra Pradesh, the EC communication said.
In a letter, the EC asked the state's chief secretary to suggest the names of three alternative officers for each officer who is being relieved from poll duties. The EC will then select one from among the three for each of the positions. The Telugu Desam Party had earlier filed a complaint with Chief Electoral Officer M K Meena, alleging that some police officials were acting in favour of the ruling YSRCP with regard to law-and-order issues.