New Delhi:The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday ordered the removal of the Director General of Police (DGP) of West Bengal Rajiv Kumar. The top official is considered close to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The EC also ordered the removal of Home Secretaries in six states of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
The commission has directed all the State Governments to transfer the officers connected with election-related work, who have completed three years or are in their home districts. Maharashtra had not complied with the directions in respect of a few Municipal Commissioners and some Additional / Deputy Municipal Commissioners in Maharashtra.
While conveying displeasure to the Chief Secretary, the Commission directed the transfer of BMC and the additional / Deputy commissioners with the direction to report by 6 pm today. The Chief Secretary was further directed to transfer all the similarly placed Municipal Commissioners and Additional / Deputy Municipal Commissioners of other Corporations in Maharashtra.
This step comes as part of the Commission's resolve and commitment to maintaining a level playing field and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process, which has been emphasised by CEC Rajiv Kumar time and again and recently during the Press Conference for announcement of the Schedule for General Elections 2024.
The Commission meeting chaired by Rajiv Kumar, comprising Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu was held on Monday at noon.