New Delhi:Indian Railways will run 7,000 special trains to accommodate two lakh extra passengers daily to clear festival rush across the country. Disclosing details about the running special trains, Union Minister of Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw said, “This year, railways are running 7,000 special trains for Diwali and Chhath festivals, which are much higher in numbers compared to last year’s 4,429 special trains. Around two lakh extra travellers are using these special train services facilities daily.”
The railways are operating these special trains to accommodate the significant surge in passenger traffic during the festivals. Senior railway officials said Indian Railways are set to carry one crore passengers during the festive period from October 1 to November 30 by running 7,001 Diwali and Chhath Puja special trains, a 60 per cent increase from the 4,429 trains operated last year. These special trains are being run in addition to the election special trains for Maharashtra and Jharkhand.
The Union Minister informed that for Diwali 136 extra trains have been scheduled daily, with special arrangements at various stations, including additional holding areas, extra ticket counters, catering units, drinking water facilities and enhanced security. Similarly, for Chhath Puja, 145 extra special trains will be operated on November 2, 3 and 4, ensuring smooth travel during key ritual days of Chhath Puja festival on November 5 to 8.